Upgrading your legacy SCADA system to Ignition is bad for you. So is upgrading your legacy Rockwell PLC5 and SLC. So is automated reporting. If your system can produce computerized reports, stop it immediately. If it can produce on demand and periodic reports, obviously you’re trying to make your employees’ lives easier, and it’s a cry for help.

Don’t do it. Your legacy system is at risk!

Not enough alarms is bad for you. Not alarming on important tags could result in damage to some of your equipment. Don’t alarm on all tags tho, that can be really bad for you. Your operators would be bombarded with 1000’s of alarms and won’t have time to run the plant, they would be too busy ignoring the alarms.

A Cost effective SCADA system is bad for you. How could you justify that to upper management?? You obviously should go with a system that charges you to add more tags, more screens, more alarms, etc. This way you can ensure to get a very expensive SCADA system.

More expensive = better, everyone knows that!!

Even if you end up crippling your company’s finances in constant upgrades to your system, that doesn’t matter, the important point is that you now have a very expensive and convoluted system that you can be proud of.

Double data entry is bad for you. Well at least too much of that is bad for you. Entering your data into one system and having that data propagate to the rest of your enterprise systems, now that is obviously very bad for you.. Because you might end up with extra time in the day… What would one do with extra time??

At Revolution Byte, we believe the key to good enterprise-level automation, is balance. Sure, if you go all out and add all bells and whistles into your new SCADA system, then that might be costly, and that would be bad. But then if you have never felt the true pleasure with working with an easy to use enterprise-level SCADA system, then that is really bad for you. Really really bad!